Monday, December 6, 2010

Sewing 101

I'm trying to teach myself to sew again.  I think the last time was when I was in junior high.
My first completed project? 
A cover for my camera strap! 
I think it turned out nice...considering how long its been since I touched a sewing machine.
Although I do already have ideas for another one I want to make....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Little Gym

For a birthday present from Allan's G.G and Paw, he gets to go to The Little Gym once a week for a couple of months.
Can you tell he's excited for his first day?  He kept telling me to drive faster and directing me where to turn.
Thanks Allan.  I would have never found the place without you. 
We got there a little early, so he had to wait outside the gym area.
He was very impatient.
He'd ask every 5 seconds if we could go in now. 
Finally inside! 
The Little Gym teaches them to listen to instructions. 
Be confident. 
Build Skills. 
They dance to music. 

Allan was not the best student the first day of class. 
Leave it to my kid and the little girl next to him to be the only ones in the class that wanted to do things their way and when they wanted to. 
Sitting still and waiting for instructions was not an easy task for Allan (and Daily, on his right). 

Allan loves it at The Little Gym.  And, as usual, when it is time to leave, he is not a happy little camper.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Clean Up The Cousins!

Allan's cousin's, Ryan and Ashtyn, spent the night.  And they were all a sticky mess, so what better way to clean them up than to throw them all in the tub...

Allan's face here cracks me up! 
(Don't worry, no one got hurt.  That's not red blood in the water.  It's just water coloring tablets.) 
I think they had fun, don't you? 
Ashtyn...all dry and sweet! 


I know, I know...I'm way late on posting Allan's trick-or-treating pictures.  Oops!

This was Allan Halloween morning.  I don't think he really wanted me to take his picture.  But hey, at least he gave me some sort of smile!


There was so much more to this outfit, but Allan refused to put the rest on.
I did feel a little bad for him though.  I bought a bigger kid size because the one for his age was not nearly as cool and didn't come with as many pieces.  Yes, those pieces that I paid extra for and Allan refused to wear them.  Anyhow, since the chest plate was too big for him I had to tie it tighter around him.  Problem fixed, right?  No.  That did nothing for the length.  Poor kid couldn't bend over in it.  He couldn't reach down to get candy people had left in bowls on their porches. 
But that didn't seem to stop him for getting more and more candy! 

(I MUST have one of these in my yard next year!!!)

See?  No costume too big was going to hold Allan back from racking in all the candy. 
That's a huge serving bowl full!  No 3 year old needs that much candy...let alone have it in our house...tempting me... 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cy-Fair Fire Fest 2010

It's has now become a little Hamilton annual tradition to take Allan to the Cy-Fair Fire Fest.
This kid freaks out with excitement when he sees all the fire trucks and is actually allowed to climb in them.

This year we got there in time for Allan to see Life Flight land and get to climb into the helicopter.

It wasn't easy getting this kid out of the helicopter.  Having a million fire trucks waiting for him to get in, really helped. 
Of course my kid had to stop and check out the rescue dog! 

Once he found this old-time fire truck he had to keep going back to it over, and over, and over, and over again and "take it for a ride." 

Allan is not shy one bit.  He had no problem going up to the firemen and talking to them...and then getting on their fire trucks, of course.

And don't forget the rescue boat.
He had to go on that! 

He knows what he's doing. 

Allan is explaining to his daddy how things work. 

Life Flight taking off! 
Yup, back to the old-time fire truck. 
Allan is concentrating hard on driving that fire truck and ringing the bell.
(reminds me of someone else I know that bites their tongue when concentrating....Papa....)

We can't wait to go back next year!

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.